Top 3 Most Eco-Friendly Packaging Materials

It's time to move, but you're not sure how to choose packing materials you can actually recycle. Maybe you want to ensure your move is as eco-friendly as possible, and the packaging materials have become a bit of an obstacle. Don't worry, there are plenty of options to use and you won't be left without a good way to pack up your belongings.

When you want to move in the most eco-friendly way possible, you need the right supplies. Here's a look at the top three most eco-friendly packaging materials you can use for your next move.

Start with What You Already Own

Most people forget about what they already have when they get ready to move. You probably own luggage, which can be packed with all kinds of items, just don't make it too heavy. You may also own other things, such as plastic crates and chests of drawers.

All of these items can be packed to carry some of your items to your new home. By using what you already have as moving boxes, you can eliminate your overall need for boxes.

In addition, you can also use what you own as packing supplies, such as towels, sheets, bedding, and clothing, which can all be used to cushion items. Pack your drawers with towels and lighter items to make them easy to carry. You can also pack luggage with bedding used to protect dishes or other items in need of protection. Get creative and use what you already have to eliminate your overall need for boxes and packing supplies.

Plastic Moving Boxes

One of the most eco-friendly packaging materials is plastic. Since it can be reused, it doesn't have to be wasted. While cardboard boxes can be recycled or potentially reused, they can also become damaged and no good for use or recycling.

With plastic moving boxes, you can rent the number of boxes you need for the move and return them when you're done. Not only do these boxes provide a very eco-friendly option, but they also ensure you won't have boxes sitting around your new home for weeks or months after moving in.

rent green moving boxes

Biodegradable Bubble Wrap

Instead of just using regular bubble wrap, make sure you buy biodegradable bubble wrap. It's still made of plastic, but it's biodegradable making it less harmful for the environment.

Another alternative, made from recycled cardboard, offers a great solution for your packing needs. This packing material is used all throughout the Disney Theme Parks and it looks like a honeycomb paper with a second layer. It's excellent for protecting items and it can be recycled once you're done using it.

When you buy your packing supplies, getting anything biodegradable or recycled will make a big difference for your move. Regular bubble wrap and packing peanuts don't cut it any longer. Instead, you want to choose some type of biodegradable bubble wrap, preferably made from some type of reusable or recycled materials.

Whenever you need to move, it's time to consider your supplies. Make sure you choose the most eco-friendly items for your packing and moving.