The Chicago Greenbox

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Should You Rent Moving Boxes When Moving to Chicago?

It’s common sense that you are going to need to get moving boxes when you prepare for your move to Chicago. Many like to start thinking about it early too, in order to start the packing process and figure out how many more they may need from their initial purchase. There are so many items to carefully pack from antiques to artwork, daily dishes to fine china, kids’ toys and even the pets’ belongings. Once people realize how much stuff they have, they start to realize that packing boxes feel wasteful, only to be used for this move and then discarded into landfills. They sometimes fail on you, breaking and bending in the move, and they take forever to assemble. Instead, it’s time to switch to renting plastic moving boxes. Here is why you should consider it for your move to Chicago.

Moving to the Windy City is already a challenge

With such a big city like Chicago, it can be challenging to move in or out of the area. You’ll likely be dealing with long flights of stairs in a historical neighborhood, busy traffic, one-way streets, and dodging other drivers on the freeway. This means that your belongings are likely to shift in transport. Relying on cardboard boxes that you assembled yourself can be dangerous, knowing that there is only so much protection there and that something is likely going to be broken upon arrival. Prepare for a move to a busy and crowded area like Chicago by making a smart packing decision from the start.

Your belongings will be safer

Many are making the transition to plastic moving crates because it makes for a safer move. Your belongings can’t be crushed from boxes stacked on top of one another. Larger and heavy items are not always stacked on the bottom by the movers, which means you may arrive with fragile items being crushed by that box of books. With plastic moving crates, everything is stacked neatly in crush-proof boxes. No more broken glass or crumbled corners of cardboard boxes; your plastic moving crates are thick, solid structures that are easy to stack and made to protect your belongings. Think of all the time you’ll save avoiding assembling cardboard boxes.

You’ll save some dough

Not only will you save yourself time, but your wallet will thank you too. Renting plastic moving boxes rather than purchasing cardboard boxes again will save you a great deal of cash. The cost of moving boxes is typically about half of the cost of buying standard moving boxes made of cardboard. You’ll also find that you can rent different sizes and that they will arrive to your home already assembled. Save money on packing tape, scissors, labels, cardboard boxes, and gas money to pick them up and instead, have plastic moving boxes delivered to you ready to use. You’ll love saving so much time and money, and saving the landfill from more waste after your move!

Don’t worry about water damage and leaks

Have you ever moved during a rainy day or opened a box to find something spilled, like cleaning solution or kitchen oils? You don’t have to worry about water damage or spills causing a huge mess to several boxes. Plastic moving crates are designed to by weatherproof from those rainy days, a difference from cardboard boxes that can even end up with water damage from a thick fog. You don’t have to worry about damaging several boxes during transport because one liquid spilled; it will contain itself to that box only which is likely going to be easy to clean if it’s packed with other liquid containers that could be rinsed off at destination.

Rather than spending the money and time on cardboard boxes for your upcoming Chicago move, choose plastic moving box rental with the Chicago Green Box company and you can count on a damage-free, inexpensive, and easy-going moving process!